Physical Review E – November 1996
Volume 54, Issue 5



Self-organized criticality in a two-dimensional rotating drum model
Gerald Baumann and Dietrich E. Wolf
pp. R4504-R4507 [View PDF (119 kB)]
Weak and strong synchronization of chaos
K. Pyragas
pp. R4508-R4511 [View PDF (144 kB)]
Self-organized criticality in a rice-pile model
Luís A. Nunes Amaral and Kent Bækgaard Lauritsen
pp. R4512-R4515 [View PDF (105 kB)]
Products of random matrices and investment strategies
Stefano Galluccio and Yi-Cheng Zhang
pp. R4516-R4519 [View PDF (131 kB)]
Fusion rules and conditional statistics in turbulent advection
Emily S. C. Ching, Victor S. L'vov, and Itamar Procaccia
pp. R4520-R4523 [View PDF (113 kB)]
Generation and structure of Rossby vortices in rotating fluids
Nikolai Kukharkin and Steven A. Orszag
pp. R4524-R4527 [View PDF (410 kB)]
Heat transport in a liquid layer locally heated on its free surface
Alain Pumir and Laure Blumenfeld
pp. R4528-R4531 [View PDF (77 kB)]
Nonlinear saturation of the turbulent α effect
Fausto Cattaneo and David W. Hughes
pp. R4532-R4535 [View PDF (127 kB)]
Models of non-Newtonian Hele-Shaw flow
Ljubinko Kondic, Peter Palffy-Muhoray, and Michael J. Shelley
pp. R4536-R4539 [View PDF (117 kB)]
Azimuthal anchoring transition of nematic liquid crystals on self-assembled monolayers formed from odd and even alkanethiols
Vinay K. Gupta and Nicholas L. Abbott
pp. R4540-R4543 [View PDF (593 kB)]
Quasi-long-range order in columnar liquid crystals
Alain Caillé and Matthieu Hébert
pp. R4544-R4547 [View PDF (97 kB)]
Triadic Hopf-static structures in two-dimensional optical pattern formation
Yu. A. Logvin, B. A. Samson, A. A. Afanas'ev, A. M. Samson, and N. A. Loiko
pp. R4548-R4551 [View PDF (367 kB)]
Controlled instability and multiscaling in models of epitaxial growth
C. Dasgupta, S. Das Sarma, and J. M. Kim
pp. R4552-R4555 [View PDF (95 kB)]
Longitudinal radiation excitation in an electron storage ring
Yoshihiko Shoji, Hitoshi Tanaka, Masaru Takao, and Kouichi Soutome
pp. R4556-R4559 [View PDF (84 kB)]
Swirling granular matter: From rotation to reptation
Michael A. Scherer, Volkhard Buchholtz, Thorsten Pöschel, and Ingo Rehberg
pp. R4560-R4563 [View PDF (433 kB)]
Quasistatic calculation of linear response for crack propagation
Hiizu Nakanishi
pp. R4564-R4567 [View PDF (135 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

Enhancing chaos in chaotic maps and flows
Neelima Gupte and R. E. Amritkar
pp. 4580-4585 [View PDF (161 kB)]
Calogero-Sutherland model with twisted boundary condition
D. F. Wang
pp. 4586-4589 [View PDF (88 kB)]
Percolation in random-Sierpiński carpets: A real space renormalization group approach
Michel Perreau, Joaquina Peiro, and Serge Berthier
pp. 4590-4595 [View PDF (143 kB)]
Multifractal features of random walks and localized vibrational excitations on random fractals: Dependence on the averaging procedure
Julia Dräger and Armin Bunde
pp. 4596-4602 [View PDF (194 kB)]
Spreading of damage in the ballistic deposition and larger curvature models
Jin Min Kim, Youngki Lee, and In-mook Kim
pp. 4603-4606 [View PDF (72 kB)]
Another possible description of fluctuations
Ferenc Márkus and Katalin Gambár
pp. 4607-4611 [View PDF (96 kB)]
Nonlinear dynamics of the magnetization in an anisotropic ferromagnet with a magnetic field
Wu-Ming Liu, Xiao-Bing Wang, Fu-Cho Pu, and Nian-Ning Huang
pp. 4612-4625 [View PDF (575 kB)]
Medium-range interactions and crossover to classical critical behavior
Erik Luijten, Henk W. J. Blöte, and Kurt Binder
pp. 4626-4636 [View PDF (229 kB)]
Beyond the mean field approximation for spin glasses
Maurizio Serva and Giovanni Paladin
pp. 4637-4643 [View PDF (144 kB)]
Topological singularities of domains in globally constrained bistable reaction-diffusion systems
Baruch Meerson and Igor Mitkov
pp. 4644-4649 [View PDF (205 kB)]
Second moment for cooperative diffusion in one-dimensional hard-particle lattice gases
Douglas Poland
pp. 4650-4656 [View PDF (162 kB)]
Energy diffusion due to nonlinear perturbation on linear Hamiltonians
Gin-yih Tsaur and Jyhpyng Wang
pp. 4657-4666 [View PDF (229 kB)]
Complexity in Hamiltonian-driven dissipative chaotic dynamical systems
Ying-Cheng Lai and Celso Grebogi
pp. 4667-4675 [View PDF (310 kB)]
Transforming signals with chaotic synchronization
T. L. Carroll, J. F. Heagy, and L. M. Pecora
pp. 4676-4680 [View PDF (129 kB)]
Multifractality in the stochastic Burgers equation
F. Hayot and C. Jayaprakash
pp. 4681-4684 [View PDF (101 kB)]
Hamiltonian systems with many degrees of freedom: Asymmetric motion and intensity of motion in phase space
Shinjo Kazumasa and Sasada Tomohei
pp. 4685-4700 [View PDF (373 kB)]
Lyapunov exponents for classical-quantum mixed-mode dynamics
Ersin Yurtsever
pp. 4701-4707 [View PDF (131 kB)]
Noise-activated diffusion in the egg-carton potential
G. Caratti, R. Ferrando, R. Spadacini, and G. E. Tommei
pp. 4708-4721 [View PDF (270 kB)]
Dynamical critical exponent of a nonequilibrium Ising model
B. C. S. Grandi and W. Figueiredo
pp. 4722-4725 [View PDF (78 kB)]
Quantum particle transfer in a system with a discontinuous modulation of the intersite coupling
E. G. Petrov, I. A. Goychuk, and V. May
pp. 4726-4737 [View PDF (261 kB)]
Heat transport in a boson system: An information-theoretical approach
Aurea R. Vasconcellos, Roberto Luzzi, and Georgy Lebon
pp. 4738-4747 [View PDF (214 kB)]
Field dependence of Lyapunov exponents for nonequilibrium systems
G. P. Morriss, C. P. Dettmann, and D. J. Isbister
pp. 4748-4754 [View PDF (187 kB)]
Far from equilibrium nonconserved growth under a surface diffusion bias
C. J. Lanczycki, V. Jejjala, and S. Das Sarma
pp. 4755-4759 [View PDF (169 kB)]
Dynamical approach to Lévy processes
Paolo Allegrini, Paolo Grigolini, and Bruce J. West
pp. 4760-4767 [View PDF (151 kB)]
Comparison of methods for the calculation of superparamagnetic relaxation times
W. T. Coffey and D. S. F. Crothers
pp. 4768-4774 [View PDF (147 kB)]
Kinetics of an order-disorder phase transition with topological defects
Andrés M. Somoza, Celeste Sagui, and Christopher Roland
pp. 4775-4781 [View PDF (455 kB)]
Crisis in the periodic Lorentz gas
C. P. Dettmann and G. P. Morriss
pp. 4782-4790 [View PDF (4,789 kB)]
Periodic forcing of spiral waves in excitable media
Rolf-Martin Mantel and Dwight Barkley
pp. 4791-4802 [View PDF (675 kB)]
Observer based synchronization of chaotic systems
Ömer Morgül and Ercan Solak
pp. 4803-4811 [View PDF (180 kB)]
Characterization of Landau-Zener transitions in systems with complex spectra
M. J. Sánchez, E. Vergini, and D. A. Wisniacki
pp. 4812-4818 [View PDF (172 kB)]
Fractal dimensions of chaotic saddles of dynamical systems
Brian R. Hunt, Edward Ott, and James A. Yorke
pp. 4819-4823 [View PDF (107 kB)]
Experimental control of high-dimensional chaos: The driven double pendulum
David J. Christini, James J. Collins, and Paul S. Linsay
pp. 4824-4827 [View PDF (561 kB)]
Collision properties of one-dimensional granular particles with internal degrees of freedom
Götz Giese and Annette Zippelius
pp. 4828-4837 [View PDF (239 kB)]
Simple nonequilibrium extension of the Ising model
A. Achahbar, J. J. Alonso, and M. A. Muñoz
pp. 4838-4843 [View PDF (148 kB)]
Exponents appearing in heterogeneous reaction-diffusion models in one dimension
Cécile Monthus
pp. 4844-4859 [View PDF (324 kB)]
Scenarios of domain pattern formation in a reaction-diffusion system
C. B. Muratov and V. V. Osipov
pp. 4860-4879 [View PDF (3,927 kB)]
Automated adaptive recursive control of unstable orbits in high-dimensional chaotic systems
M. A. Rhode, J. Thomas, R. W. Rollins, and A. J. Markworth
pp. 4880-4887 [View PDF (220 kB)]

Classical fluids

Fluctuation effects on chemical wave fronts
M. A. Karzazi, A. Lemarchand, and M. Mareschal
pp. 4888-4895 [View PDF (182 kB)]
Instantons and intermittency
G. Falkovich, I. Kolokolov, V. Lebedev, and A. Migdal
pp. 4896-4907 [View PDF (246 kB)]
Instantons in the Burgers equation
Victor Gurarie and Alexander Migdal
pp. 4908-4914 [View PDF (133 kB)]
Turbulent spots in plane Couette flow
John J. Hegseth
pp. 4915-4923 [View PDF (5,477 kB)]
Thermodynamics of ideal gases in quasistatic electromagnetic fields
Y. Zimmels
pp. 4924-4937 [View PDF (259 kB)]
Symmetry breaking and period doubling on a torus in the VLF regime in Taylor-Couette flow
J. von Stamm, U. Gerdts, Th. Buzug, and G. Pfister
pp. 4938-4957 [View PDF (768 kB)]
Stability of pole solutions for planar propagating flames
M. Rahibe, N. Aubry, and G. I. Sivashinsky
pp. 4958-4972 [View PDF (297 kB)]
Short-wavelength instability in systems with slow long-wavelength dynamics
Michael I. Tribelsky and Manuel G. Velarde
pp. 4973-4981 [View PDF (177 kB)]
Anomalous scaling in random shell models for passive scalars
A. Wirth and L. Biferale
pp. 4982-4989 [View PDF (184 kB)]
Towards a theory of self-organization phenomena in bubble-liquid mixtures
I. Akhatov, U. Parlitz, and W. Lauterborn
pp. 4990-5003 [View PDF (650 kB)]
Instability of converging shock waves and sonoluminescence
Allan K. Evans
pp. 5004-5011 [View PDF (166 kB)]
Triply periodic surfaces and multiply continuous structures from the Landau model of microemulsions
Wojciech T. Góźdź and Robert Hołyst
pp. 5012-5027 [View PDF (1,543 kB)]
Diffusion in spatially and temporarily inhomogeneous media
H. Lehr, F. Sagués, and J. M. Sancho
pp. 5028-5036 [View PDF (272 kB)]
Rotating spirals in a Faraday experiment
S. V. Kiyashko, L. N. Korzinov, M. I. Rabinovich, and L. S. Tsimring
pp. 5037-5040 [View PDF (488 kB)]
Lattice Boltzmann simulations of liquid-gas and binary fluid systems
Michael R. Swift, E. Orlandini, W. R. Osborn, and J. M. Yeomans
pp. 5041-5052 [View PDF (219 kB)]
Temporal modulation of traveling waves in the flow between rotating cylinders with broken azimuthal symmetry
Sarath G. K. Tennakoon, C. David Andereck, John J. Hegseth, and Hermann Riecke
pp. 5053-5065 [View PDF (903 kB)]
Fluid-induced particle-size segregation in sheared granular assemblies
Sitangshu Bikas Santra, Stefan Schwarzer, and Hans Herrmann
pp. 5066-5072 [View PDF (2,029 kB)]
Second-order continuum traffic flow model
C. Wagner, C. Hoffmann, R. Sollacher, J. Wagenhuber, and B. Schürmann
pp. 5073-5085 [View PDF (274 kB)]
Topological correlations in Bénard-Marangoni convective structures
P. Cerisier, S. Rahal, and N. Rivier
pp. 5086-5094 [View PDF (672 kB)]
Condensate turbulence in two dimensions
A. Dyachenko and G. Falkovich
pp. 5095-5099 [View PDF (122 kB)]
Limitations of random multipliers in describing turbulent energy dissipation
Mark Nelkin and Gustavo Stolovitzky
pp. 5100-5106 [View PDF (133 kB)]
Unidirectionally coupled map lattice as a model for open flow systems
Oliver Rudzick and Arkady Pikovsky
pp. 5107-5115 [View PDF (794 kB)]
Velocity fluctuations in forced Burgers turbulence
Jean-Philippe Bouchaud and Marc Mézard
pp. 5116-5121 [View PDF (140 kB)]
Dynamics of vortex lines in turbulent flows
Barak Galanti, Itamar Procaccia, and Daniel Segel
pp. 5122-5133 [View PDF (228 kB)]
Computer simulations of domain growth and phase separation in two-dimensional binary immiscible fluids using dissipative particle dynamics
Peter V. Coveney and Keir E. Novik
pp. 5134-5141 [View PDF (1,059 kB)]
Numerical heat conductivity in smooth particle applied mechanics
Wm. G. Hoover and H. A. Posch
pp. 5142-5145 [View PDF (97 kB)]
Vortex flow pattern selection and temporal-spatial structures of transverse and mixed vortex rolls in mixed convection of air in a horizontal flat duct
M. Y. Chang and T. F. Lin
pp. 5146-5160 [View PDF (6,451 kB)]
Eckhaus-Benjamin-Feir instability in systems with temporal modulation
Jeff Moehlis and Edgar Knobloch
pp. 5161-5168 [View PDF (182 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Broadband dielectric measurements on the (R)-1-methylheptyl-6-(4′-decyloxybenzoyloxy)-2-naphthalene carboxylate antiferroelectric liquid crystal
S. Merino, M. R. de la Fuente, Y. González, M. A. Pérez Jubindo, B. Ros, and J. A. Puértolas
pp. 5169-5177 [View PDF (225 kB)]
Molecular dynamics of model liquid crystals composed of semiflexible molecules
Frédéric Affouard, Martin Kröger, and Siegfried Hess
pp. 5178-5186 [View PDF (3,926 kB)]
Chiral nematic liquid crystals in cylindrical cavities
M. Ambrožič and S. Žumer
pp. 5187-5197 [View PDF (224 kB)]
Director structure around a colloid particle suspended in a nematic liquid crystal
O. V. Kuksenok, R. W. Ruhwandl, S. V. Shiyanovskii, and E. M. Terentjev
pp. 5198-5203 [View PDF (130 kB)]
Friction drag on a particle moving in a nematic liquid crystal
R. W. Ruhwandl and E. M. Terentjev
pp. 5204-5210 [View PDF (170 kB)]
Structure of the hexagonal phase of the sodium dodecyl sulfate and water system
R. Itri, L. Q. Amaral, and P. Mariani
pp. 5211-5216 [View PDF (161 kB)]
Anomalous anchoring effect of nanopolyimide Langmuir-Blodgett films in a twisted nematic liquid-crystal cell
Akihiko Sugimura, Keiji Matsumoto, Ou-Yang Zhong-can, and Mitsumasa Iwamoto
pp. 5217-5220 [View PDF (112 kB)]
Theory of translational diffusion in the nematic phase
Dagmara Sokolowska and Jozef K. Moscicki
pp. 5221-5226 [View PDF (127 kB)]
Electrohydrodynamic convection under a nematic-isotropic interface
Dragana Todorović-Marinić and J. T. Gleeson
pp. 5227-5231 [View PDF (96 kB)]
Thickness-dependent phase transition in thin nematic films
M. M. Wittebrood, D. H. Luijendijk, S. Stallinga, Th. Rasing, and I. Muševič
pp. 5232-5234 [View PDF (80 kB)]
Annihilation of point defects in nematic liquid crystals
G. Guidone Peroli and E. G. Virga
pp. 5235-5241 [View PDF (131 kB)]
Angular dependence of light transmittance in polymer dispersed liquid crystals
F. Bloisi, C. Ruocchio, P. Terrecuso, and L. Vicari
pp. 5242-5248 [View PDF (171 kB)]
Critical and multicritical fluctuations of nematic liquid crystals
Z. H. Wang and P. H. Keyes
pp. 5249-5262 [View PDF (302 kB)]

Complex fluids, diffusion-limited aggregation, dendritic growth

Conformations of randomly linked polymers
Yacov Kantor and Mehran Kardar
pp. 5263-5267 [View PDF (112 kB)]
Isotropic-nematic transition of surface embedded polymers and the associated tubulization transition of the embedding surface
R. Podgornik
pp. 5268-5277 [View PDF (219 kB)]
NMR flow velocity mapping in random percolation model objects: Evidence for a power-law dependence of the volume-averaged velocity on the probe-volume radius
H.-P. Müller, R. Kimmich, and J. Weis
pp. 5278-5285 [View PDF (379 kB)]
Dynamics of crystallization in hard-sphere suspensions
Yueming He, Bruce J. Ackerson, W. van Megen, S. M. Underwood, and Klaus Schätzel
pp. 5286-5297 [View PDF (218 kB)]
Kinetic crossover of rough surface growth in a colloidal system
Xin-Ya Lei, Peng Wan, Cai-Hua Zhou, and Nai-Ben Ming
pp. 5298-5301 [View PDF (126 kB)]
Double-exponential relaxation near the critical point of an ionic micellar system
Ana Martín, Francisco Ortega, and Ramón G. Rubio
pp. 5302-5308 [View PDF (166 kB)]
Shape of the tip and the formation of sidebranches of xenon dendrites
U. Bisang and J. H. Bilgram
pp. 5309-5326 [View PDF (367 kB)]
Anomalous effects in the temperature dependence of depolarized Rayleigh spectra of benzene and quinoline
L. Letamendia, M. Belkadi, O. Eloutassi, E. Pru-Lestret, G. Nouchi, J. Rouch, D. Blaudez, F. Mallamace, N. Micali, and C. Vasi
pp. 5327-5330 [View PDF (71 kB)]
Clustering properties of d-dimensional overlapping spheres
J. Quintanilla and S. Torquato
pp. 5331-5339 [View PDF (178 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Dynamics of heteropolymers in dilute solution: Effective equation of motion and relaxation spectrum
Jiunn-Ren Roan and E. I. Shakhnovich
pp. 5340-5357 [View PDF (327 kB)]
Amplitude of the anomaly in the mass density near a liquid-liquid critical point
D. T. Jacobs and S. C. Greer
pp. 5358-5363 [View PDF (96 kB)]
Tagged-particle motion in viscous glycerol: Diffusion-relaxation crossover
J. Wuttke, I. Chang, O. G. Randl, F. Fujara, and W. Petry
pp. 5364-5369 [View PDF (150 kB)]
Elastic properties of randomly cross-linked polymers
Sandra J. Barsky, Michael Plischke, Béla Joós, and Zicong Zhou
pp. 5370-5376 [View PDF (146 kB)]
Dielectric investigations of the dynamic glass transition in nanopores
M. Arndt, R. Stannarius, W. Gorbatschow, and F. Kremer
pp. 5377-5390 [View PDF (270 kB)]
Structure and thermodynamics of binary liquid mixtures: Universality of the bridge functional
Gerhard Kahl, Bernhard Bildstein, and Yaakov Rosenfeld
pp. 5391-5406 [View PDF (294 kB)]
Simulation of the formation of nonequilibrium structures in magnetorheological fluids subject to an external magnetic field
M. Mohebi, N. Jamasbi, and Jing Liu
pp. 5407-5413 [View PDF (138 kB)]
Kosterlitz-Thouless transitions on a fluctuating surface of genus zero
Jeong-Man Park
pp. 5414-5419 [View PDF (144 kB)]
Mechanism of the cooperative relaxation in microemulsions near the percolation threshold
Yuri Feldman, Nick Kozlovich, Yuriy Alexandrov, Raoul Nigmatullin, and Yaroslav Ryabov
pp. 5420-5427 [View PDF (202 kB)]
Effects of interparticle electric interactions on dielectrophoresis in colloidal suspensions
Boris Khusid and Andreas Acrivos
pp. 5428-5435 [View PDF (177 kB)]
Deformation of small compressed droplets
Martin-D. Lacasse, Gary S. Grest, and Dov Levine
pp. 5436-5446 [View PDF (209 kB)]
Predicting disorder-order phase transitions in polymeric micelles
Glen A. McConnell and Alice P. Gast
pp. 5447-5455 [View PDF (172 kB)]
Concentration dependence of structural and dynamical quantities in colloidal aggregation: Computer simulations
Mohammed Lach-hab, Agustín E. González, and Estela Blaisten-Barojas
pp. 5456-5462 [View PDF (131 kB)]
Stability of cylindrical vesicles under axial tension
Dirk Jan Bukman, Jian Hua Yao, and Michael Wortis
pp. 5463-5468 [View PDF (125 kB)]
Structure of complex-periodic and chaotic media with spiral waves
Andrei Goryachev and Raymond Kapral
pp. 5469-5481 [View PDF (366 kB)]
Statistical properties and shell analysis in random cellular structures
T. Aste, K. Y. Szeto, and W. Y. Tam
pp. 5482-5492 [View PDF (178 kB)]
Computer simulation of the rheology of grafted chains under shear. II. Depletion of chains at the wall
G. H. Peters and D. J. Tildesley
pp. 5493-5501 [View PDF (217 kB)]
Fluctuation dynamics of a single magnetic chain
Adriana S. Silva, Robert Bond, Franck Plouraboué, and Denis Wirtz
pp. 5502-5510 [View PDF (482 kB)]
Inelastic collapse of rotating spheres
Norbert Schörghofer and Tong Zhou
pp. 5511-5515 [View PDF (303 kB)]

Biological physics

Frequency analysis with Hopfield encoding neurons
Epifanio Bagarinao, Jr. and Caesar Saloma
pp. 5516-5521 [View PDF (141 kB)]
Partial synchronization in populations of pulse-coupled oscillators
C. van Vreeswijk
pp. 5522-5537 [View PDF (303 kB)]
Microtubule dynamics: Caps, catastrophes, and coupled hydrolysis
Henrik Flyvbjerg, Timothy E. Holy, and Stanislas Leibler
pp. 5538-5560 [View PDF (406 kB)]
Self-similar sequences and universal scaling of dynamical entropies
Jan Freund, Werner Ebeling, and Katja Rateitschak
pp. 5561-5566 [View PDF (165 kB)]
Clustering of independently diffusing individuals by birth and death processes
Martin Meyer, Shlomo Havlin, and Armin Bunde
pp. 5567-5570 [View PDF (246 kB)]
Paramagnetic unlearning in neural network models
Kazuo Nokura
pp. 5571-5574 [View PDF (98 kB)]
Aperiodic stochastic resonance
J. J. Collins, Carson C. Chow, Ann C. Capela, and Thomas T. Imhoff
pp. 5575-5584 [View PDF (184 kB)]
Statistical properties of stochastic nonlinear dynamical models of single spiking neurons and neural networks
Roger Rodriguez and Henry C. Tuckwell
pp. 5585-5590 [View PDF (122 kB)]

Plasma physics

Imaginary-emission method for modeling disturbances of all magnetoplasma species: Reflecting and absorbing objects in motion through a rarefied plasma at different angles to the ambient magnetic field
Maxim G. Ponomarjov
pp. 5591-5598 [View PDF (174 kB)]
Linear theory of plasma Čerenkov masers
M. Birau
pp. 5599-5611 [View PDF (390 kB)]
Analysis of the passage of a laser pulse through a hole
A. V. Bessarab, S. G. Garanin, G. A. Kirillov, Yu. F. Kiryanov, G. G. Kochemasov, A. B. Ryadov, S. A. Sukharev, N. A. Suslov, A. I. Zaretskii, B. Králiková, L. Láska, K. Mašek, K. Rohlena, and J. Skála
pp. 5612-5616 [View PDF (113 kB)]
Absorption experiments on x-ray-heated mid-Z constrained samples
T. S. Perry, P. T. Springer, D. F. Fields, D. R. Bach, F. J. D. Serduke, C. A. Iglesias, F. J. Rogers, J. K. Nash, M. H. Chen, B. G. Wilson, W. H. Goldstein, B. Rozsynai, R. A. Ward, J. D. Kilkenny, R. Doyas, L. B. Da Silva, C. A. Back, R. Cauble, S. J. Davidson, J. M. Foster, C. C. Smith, A. Bar-Shalom, and R. W. Lee
pp. 5617-5631 [View PDF (1,437 kB)]
Suppression of the edge interchange instability in a straight tokamak
Tzihong Chiueh
pp. 5632-5635 [View PDF (110 kB)]
Three-dimensional structure in a crystallized dusty plasma
J. B. Pieper, J. Goree, and R. A. Quinn
pp. 5636-5640 [View PDF (296 kB)]
Resonant charge exchange and the transport of ions at high electric-field to gas-density ratios (E/N) in argon, neon, and helium
M. V. V. S. Rao, R. J. Van Brunt, and J. K. Olthoff
pp. 5641-5656 [View PDF (302 kB)]

Physics of beams

Energy measurement of relativistic electron beams by laser Compton scattering
Ian C. Hsu, Cha-Ching Chu, and Chuan-Ing Yu
pp. 5657-5663 [View PDF (178 kB)]
Symplectic scaling of transfer maps including fringe fields
Georg Heinz Hoffstätter and Martin Berz
pp. 5664-5672 [View PDF (194 kB)]
Adiabatic matching of a nonuniform intense charged-particle beam into the focusing channel
Yuri K. Batygin
pp. 5673-5680 [View PDF (294 kB)]
Dynamics of a relativistic charged particle in a constant homogeneous magnetic field and a transverse homogeneous rotating electric field
A. Bourdier, M. Valentini, and J. Valat
pp. 5681-5691 [View PDF (292 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Anomalous pulse delay in microwave propagation: A case of superluminal behavior
A. Ranfagni and D. Mugnai
pp. 5692-5696 [View PDF (197 kB)]
Path-integral analysis of scalar wave propagation in multiple-scattering random media
Gregory Samelsohn and Reuven Mazar
pp. 5697-5706 [View PDF (207 kB)]
Existence and stability chart for the ac-driven, damped nonlinear Schrödinger solitons
I. V. Barashenkov and Yu. S. Smirnov
pp. 5707-5725 [View PDF (623 kB)]
Experimental study of granular convection
James B. Knight, E. E. Ehrichs, Vadim Yu. Kuperman, Janna K. Flint, Heinrich M. Jaeger, and Sidney R. Nagel
pp. 5726-5738 [View PDF (499 kB)]
Nonlinear spectral characterization of discrete data
M. Boiti, J. Leon, and F. Pempinelli
pp. 5739-5742 [View PDF (99 kB)]
Perturbation theory for coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations
M. Midrio, S. Wabnitz, and P. Franco
pp. 5743-5751 [View PDF (186 kB)]
Electrodynamics in complex systems: Application to near-field probing of optical microresonators
Annick Castiaux, Christian Girard, Alain Dereux, Olivier J. F. Martin, and Jean-Pol Vigneron
pp. 5752-5760 [View PDF (271 kB)]
Self-bending photorefractive solitons
Wiesław Królikowski, Nail Akhmediev, Barry Luther-Davies, and Mark Cronin-Golomb
pp. 5761-5765 [View PDF (138 kB)]
Stability of normal mode oscillations of one-dimensional anharmonic lattices
K. Yoshimura
pp. 5766-5773 [View PDF (212 kB)]
Morphological instabilities of dynamic fractures in brittle solids
Mokhtar Adda-Bedia, Martine Ben Amar, and Yves Pomeau
pp. 5774-5779 [View PDF (121 kB)]
Propagation of an electromagnetic pulse through a waveguide with a barrier: A time domain solution within classical electrodynamics
Thorsten Emig
pp. 5780-5787 [View PDF (421 kB)]
Solitonlike solutions of the generalized discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation
D. Hennig, K. Ø. Rasmussen, H. Gabriel, and A. Bülow
pp. 5788-5801 [View PDF (339 kB)]
Interactions between polarized soliton pulses in optical fibers: Exact solutions
M. Karlsson, D. J. Kaup, and B. A. Malomed
pp. 5802-5808 [View PDF (169 kB)]

Computational physics

Constraint operator solution to quantum billiard problems
D. A. McGrew and W. Bauer
pp. 5809-5818 [View PDF (232 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

Classical fluids

Path integral Monte Carlo study of the internal quantum state dynamics of a generic model fluid
F. Schneider and P. Nielaba
pp. 5826-5829 [View PDF (96 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Metastable periodic Fréedericksz transition in nematic liquid crystals
E. A. Oliveira, G. Barbero, and A. M. Figueiredo Neto
pp. 5830-5831 [View PDF (73 kB)]

Complex fluids, diffusion-limited aggregation, dendritic growth

Nucleation and growth of anisotropic grain in block copolymers near order-disorder transition
Takeji Hashimoto, Naoki Sakamoto, and Tsuyoshi Koga
pp. 5832-5835 [View PDF (435 kB)]
Functional Langevin models for the mesoscopic dynamics of surfactant aggregation in solution
B. A. C. van Vlimmeren, M. Postma, P. Huetz, A. Brisson, and J. G. E. M. Fraaije
pp. 5836-5839 [View PDF (324 kB)]

Biological physics

Effects of hydrostatic pressure on the monoolein-water system: An estimate of the energy function of the inverted Ia3d cubic phase
Paolo Mariani, Barbara Paci, Peter Bösecke, Claudio Ferrero, Maren Lorenzen, and Roberto Caciuffo
pp. 5840-5843 [View PDF (99 kB)]

Plasma physics

Ion acoustic solitons in a weakly relativistic magnetized warm plasma
H. K. Malik
pp. 5844-5847 [View PDF (115 kB)]
High temperature of laser-compressed shells measured with Kr34+ and Kr35+ x-ray lines
B. Yaakobi, F. J. Marshall, and R. Epstein
pp. 5848-5850 [View PDF (70 kB)]
Electrical conductivity of tungsten near its critical point
A. Kloss, T. Motzke, R. Grossjohann, and H. Hess
pp. 5851-5854 [View PDF (312 kB)]

Physics of beams

Dielectric response of particle beams to periodic focusing
Nathan Brown
pp. 5855-5858 [View PDF (97 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

4/3 problem in classical electrodynamics
J. Frenkel
pp. 5859-5862 [View PDF (120 kB)]

Computational physics

Monte Carlo simulations in generalized ensemble: Multicanonical algorithm versus simulated tempering
Ulrich H. E. Hansmann and Yuko Okamoto
pp. 5863-5865 [View PDF (77 kB)]


Comment on ‘‘Generalized Kelvin equation and the water content of a cloud’’
T. Vesala and H. Arstila
pp. 5868-5869 [View PDF (30 kB)]
Comment on ‘‘Fitting of viscosity: Distinguishing the temperature dependences predicted by various models of supercooled liquids’’
H. Z. Cummins
pp. 5870-5872 [View PDF (60 kB)]
Reply to ‘‘Comment on ‘Fitting of viscosity: Distinguishing the temperature dependences predicted by various models of supercooled liquids’ ’’
D. Kivelson, G. Tarjus, X.-L. Xiao, and S. A. Kivelson
pp. 5873-5874 [View PDF (33 kB)]